Java Calender Add or substract hours to current time

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Add or substract hours to current time using Java Calendar This example shows how to add or substract hours in current time using Java Calendar class.
 import java.util.Calendar;  
 public class AddHoursToCurrentDate {  
  public static void main(String[] args) {  
   //create Calendar instance  
   Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();  
   System.out.println("Current Date : " + (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)  
             + "-"  
             + now.get(Calendar.DATE)  
             + "-"  
             + now.get(Calendar.YEAR));  
   System.out.println("Current time : " + now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)  
            + ":"  
            + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)  
            + ":"  
            + now.get(Calendar.SECOND));  
   //add hours to current date using Calendar.add method  
   System.out.println("New time after adding 10 hours : "  
            + now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)  
            + ":"  
            + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)  
            + ":"  
            + now.get(Calendar.SECOND));  
    * Java Calendar class automatically adjust the date accordingly if adding  
    * hours to the current time causes current date to be changed.  
   System.out.println("New date after adding 10 hours : "  
             + (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1)  
             + "-"  
             + now.get(Calendar.DATE)  
             + "-"  
             + now.get(Calendar.YEAR));  
   //substract hours from current date using Calendar.add method  
   now = Calendar.getInstance();  
   now.add(Calendar.HOUR, -3);  
   System.out.println("Time before 3 hours : " + now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)  
            + ":"  
            + now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)  
            + ":"  
            + now.get(Calendar.SECOND));  

Typical output would be
Current Date : 12-25-2007
Current time : 18:31:42
New time after adding 10 hours : 4:31:42
New date after adding 10 hours : 12-26-2007
Time before 3 hours : 15:31:42


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