Create an application that allows you to draw on the screen with the mouse, similar to the "Paint" program that ships with Windows.
This is the basic paint program. It requires the following capabilities:
The program must use the mouse to draw lines on the screen, which should probably be curved as from a spray-paint tool. (If you really want, however, you may make them straight lines as from a line tool.)
The program uses the mouse to choose among five different colors, and any new drawing uses the currently selected color.
In case you're curious, Java knows about the following colors: black, blue, cyan, darkGray, gray, green, lightGray, magenta, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow.
Adds the following:
The program must make a separation between the "canvas", where drawing is allowed, and the "toolbar", where drawing is not. Any drawing across the toolbar must not show up.
Adds the following: The program allows the selection of three different brush sizes. It could be said that you can draw with a pen, a brush, or a roller.
These versions start with all the capabilities of the Above version.
Additional points can be earned by implementing one or more of the features listed below. You will get fifty points for adding each one of these feature.
Draw a straight line with a visible "elastic band" approach.
Provide an eraser that removes portions of a drawing.
Draw a rectangle with a visible "elastic band" approach.
Draw an oval with a visible "elastic band" approach.
Change the color of the background window.
Implement a "paint bucket" tool which fills in an existing shape.
Other interesting features which are not listed above may also earn you extra points.
regardless of the number of features that you implement.
This is the basic paint program. It requires the following capabilities:
The program must use the mouse to draw lines on the screen, which should probably be curved as from a spray-paint tool. (If you really want, however, you may make them straight lines as from a line tool.)
The program uses the mouse to choose among five different colors, and any new drawing uses the currently selected color.
In case you're curious, Java knows about the following colors: black, blue, cyan, darkGray, gray, green, lightGray, magenta, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow.
Adds the following:
The program must make a separation between the "canvas", where drawing is allowed, and the "toolbar", where drawing is not. Any drawing across the toolbar must not show up.
Adds the following: The program allows the selection of three different brush sizes. It could be said that you can draw with a pen, a brush, or a roller.
These versions start with all the capabilities of the Above version.
Additional points can be earned by implementing one or more of the features listed below. You will get fifty points for adding each one of these feature.
Draw a straight line with a visible "elastic band" approach.
Provide an eraser that removes portions of a drawing.
Draw a rectangle with a visible "elastic band" approach.
Draw an oval with a visible "elastic band" approach.
Change the color of the background window.
Implement a "paint bucket" tool which fills in an existing shape.
Other interesting features which are not listed above may also earn you extra points.
regardless of the number of features that you implement.
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