What You Should Do on Your Own
Assignments turned in without these things will receive no credit.
Start by making it so that if the piece is played in a legal location, the pieces between are flipped.
Then make it so that you can only play where it is legal.
Finally, code it so that when one player has no legal moves, the other player gets to keep playing. The game should stop when the board is full or when neither player has any legal moves.
Use Following code
Assignments turned in without these things will receive no credit.
Start by making it so that if the piece is played in a legal location, the pieces between are flipped.
Then make it so that you can only play where it is legal.
Finally, code it so that when one player has no legal moves, the other player gets to keep playing. The game should stop when the board is full or when neither player has any legal moves.
Use Following code
// 2012-04-23
// Graham Mitchell
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Reversi extends Canvas implements MouseListener
public static void main(String[] args)
JFrame win = new JFrame("Reversi");
win.add( new Reversi() );
private boolean gameOver = false;
private boolean started = false;
private boolean showLabels = true;
private boolean showLegal = false;
private final int NONE = 0;
private final int BLACK = 1;
private final int WHITE = 2;
private int player = BLACK;
private int other = WHITE;
private Direction EAST = new Direction( 0, 1);
private Direction NORTHEAST = new Direction(-1, 1);
private Direction NORTH = new Direction(-1, 0);
private Direction NORTHWEST = new Direction(-1,-1);
private Direction WEST = new Direction( 0,-1);
private Direction SOUTHWEST = new Direction( 1,-1);
private Direction SOUTH = new Direction( 1, 0);
private Direction SOUTHEAST = new Direction( 1, 1);
private Rectangle[][] boxes;
private int[][] pieces;
private int scoreA = 0;
private int scoreB = 0;
private int legalMoves = 0;
public Reversi()
boxes = new Rectangle[8][8];
pieces = new int[8][8];
for ( int r=0; r<boxes.length; r++ )
for ( int c=0; c<boxes[0].length; c++ )
boxes[r][c] = new Rectangle(30+c*90,100+r*90,90,90);
pieces[3][3] = 2;
pieces[3][4] = 1;
pieces[4][3] = 1;
pieces[4][4] = 2;
public void paint( Graphics g )
g.setColor( Color.green );
g.fillRect( 0, 0, 800, 900 );
g.setColor( Color.black );
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
g.setFont( new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 48) );
if ( ! started )
g.drawString( "REVERSI", 305, 300 );
g.drawString( "click to play", 275, 400 );
// board
for ( int r=0; r<boxes.length; r++ )
for ( int c=0; c<boxes[0].length; c++ )
// pieces
scoreA = scoreB = 0;
for ( int r=0; r<pieces.length; r++ )
for ( int c=0; c<pieces[0].length; c++ )
if ( pieces[r][c] > 0 )
if ( pieces[r][c] == BLACK )
else if ( pieces[r][c] == WHITE )
Rectangle box = boxes[r][c];
g.fillOval(box.x+5, box.y+5, box.width-10, box.height-10);
// count/show legal moves
legalMoves = 0;
for ( int r=0; r<pieces.length; r++ )
for ( int c=0; c<pieces[0].length; c++ )
if ( pieces[r][c] == NONE && isLegalMove(r,c) )
if ( showLegal )
Rectangle box = boxes[r][c];
g.drawOval(box.x+5, box.y+5, box.width-10, box.height-10);
// labels
if ( showLabels )
g.setFont( new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 24) );
for ( int r=0; r<boxes.length; r++ )
for ( int c=0; c<boxes[0].length; c++ )
g.drawString( r+","+c, boxes[r][c].x+30, boxes[r][c].y+75 );
// status
g.setColor( Color.black );
g.setFont( new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 48) );
g.drawString( (player==BLACK ? "Black" : "White") + "'s turn.", 50, 70 );
g.drawString( scoreA+" : "+scoreB, 620, 70 );
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent evt )
int x = evt.getX();
int y = evt.getY();
if ( gameOver )
started = false;
gameOver = false;
if ( ! started )
started = true;
for ( int r=0; r<boxes.length; r++ )
for ( int c=0; c<boxes[0].length; c++ )
if ( boxes[r][c].contains( evt.getPoint() ) )
if ( pieces[r][c] == 0 && isLegalMove(r,c) )
pieces[r][c] = player;
flipOthers(r, c);
other = player;
player = (player==BLACK) ? WHITE : BLACK;
public boolean isLegalMove( int r, int c )
// returns true if the current player is allowed to play a piece at r,c
// It must be adjacent to an opposite-colored piece, and then there
// must be a same-colored piece on the other side of that.
return true;
public Location firstMatch( int r, int c, Direction d )
Location cur = new Location(r,c);
// returns the location of the first matching piece in the given direction
return null;
public void flipOthers( int r, int c )
// Flips over all the pieces between r,c and the match in all 8 compass directions.
// Already finished; no need to modify.
for ( Direction dir : compass )
flipOthers(r, c, dir);
public void flipOthers( int r, int c, Direction dir )
// Flips over all the pieces between r,c and the first matching color in the given direction
Location cur = new Location(r,c);
// your code goes here
public int otherStreak( int r, int c, Direction dir )
// returns the count of consecutive "others" found in the given direction
int count = 0;
Location cur = new Location(r,c);
while ( true )
cur = cur.getAdjacentLocation(dir);
if ( ! (isValid(cur) && pieces[cur.r][cur.c] == other) )
return count;
public boolean isValid( Location loc )
return 0 <= loc.r && loc.r < pieces.length && 0 <= loc.c && loc.c < pieces.length;
public boolean isValid( int r, int c )
return 0 <= r && r < pieces.length && 0 <= c && c < pieces.length;
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent evt ) {}
public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent evt ) {}
public void mouseEntered ( MouseEvent evt ) {}
public void mouseExited ( MouseEvent evt ) {}
class Direction
public int dr;
public int dc;
public Direction( int r, int c )
dr = r;
dc = c;
public String toString()
if ( dr == -1 && dc == 0 )
return "NORTH";
else if ( dr == 1 && dc == 0 )
return "SOUTH";
else if ( dr == 0 && dc == 1 )
return "EAST";
else if ( dr == 0 && dc == -1 )
return "WEST";
else if ( dr == -1 && dc == -1 )
return "NORTHWEST";
else if ( dr == 1 && dc == -1 )
return "SOUTHWEST";
else if ( dr == 1 && dc == 1 )
return "NORTHEAST";
else if ( dr == -1 && dc == 1 )
return "SOUTHEAST";
return "{" + dr + "," + dc + "}";
class Location
public int r;
public int c;
public Location( int r, int c )
this.r = r;
this.c = c;
public Location getAdjacentLocation( Direction dir )
Location next = new Location(r,c);
next.r += dir.dr;
next.c += dir.dc;
return next;
public Location getAdjacentLocation( Direction dir, int count )
Location next = new Location(r,c);
for ( int i=0; i<count; i++ )
next.r += dir.dr;
next.c += dir.dc;
return next;
public String toString()
return "(" + r + "," + c + ")";
public boolean equals( Location other )
return this.r == other.r && this.c == other.c;
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